• Content for this page should include:
    • Why Join?: List the benefits of membership - having a voice in local decision-making.
    • Membership Options: Easy online registration form. *clarify membership types e.g. pensioner vs. elite etc. What form fields required?
    • Donate: Secure donation form with specific causes to contribute to, such as environmental initiatives or legal advocacy for zoning laws *bank account? Snapscan? Donation Form? Or email enquiry here? Insert Link to Sponsors page also here
    • Volunteering Opportunities: Information on how to get involved in local initiatives such as beach clean-ups, tree planting, or community security patrols.
    • Public Meetings: Schedule and details of upcoming town halls or community forums, where residents can voice their opinions.
    • Community Surveys: Provide forms for the community to submit feedback on various topics or issues affecting the area.
    • Call to Action: Clear instructions on how to sign up for volunteering, participate in meetings, or engage in other initiatives. Enquiry + forms

Join Now

How can you get involved? We encourage all residents to get involved in any sphere of our community. From volunteering to joining to attending regular events - all and any participation lends to a well rounded, engaged and active Camps Bay community.


Why join?

There are so many benefits to becoming an association member and more:

  1. Community Voice - have a say in local development and policies that impact the area
  2. Better Services - advocate for improved municipal services like waste collection and road maintenance
  3. Crime Prevention - support community-driven safety initiatives and CID collaboration
  4. Local Networking - connect with other residents and business owners to share ideas and resources
  5. Environmental Protection - contribute to initiatives that preserve Camps Bay's natural beauty and coastline
  6. Traffic Solutions - influence discussions on parking, traffic congestion, and public transport improvements
  7. Property Value Protection - support projects that maintain or increase the value of properties in the area
  8. Civic Pride - participate in beautification projects and public enhancements
  9. Events and Updates - receive invitations to community events and stay informed on local developments
  10. Donate and increase resources - assist in raising funds to continue the great work the association does year on year

Want more Info?

Contact the association for any queries and more info:

Call : 083 653 6363
Email : campsbayratepayers@gmail.com